Out4Blood & El_Cap's Rise of Nations Strategy

Sunday, June 19, 2005


I wonder how this will damage Formula 1 in the USA?
Ferrari win six-car US Grand Prix
Just six cars took the start at Indianapolis this afternoon after the Michelin teams stood by their threat not to race without an additional chicane ahead of the high-speed Turn 13.

Michelin could not guarantee the safety of their tyres through this corner over a race distance, so instructed their teams not to compete if the track layout was not changed to slow the cars.

The FIA refused the request for a chicane, pointing out several other options available to Michelin. The Michelin teams declined these and jointly decided they would race on the tyres they used in qualifying, but only if the chicane was inserted.

It wasn't. As a result, all cars took to the grid, but the Michelin cars all peeled in at the end of the formation lap, leaving only the Ferraris, Minardis and Jordans to start. Jordan and Minardi had been expected to stand by the Michelin teams.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Wired Home
I'm gonna check this stuff out. Home Automation:
mControl can operate and automate items such as lighting, a gas fireplace, sprinkling systems, HVAC systems, security cameras, and a hot tub to name few. mControl has been designed for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, however, can also be run on Windows XP Pro, and viewed from Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Google Mail frickin' rocks
The geeks at Google just continue to impress me. I can't remember the last time I received spam in my Gmail inbox. So I checked the "spam" folder. It was chock full of good juciy pr0n spam, penis enlarging spam, and mortgage pusher spam. So, I am still getting it, I'm just don't have to look at it. And zero false positives as well. Very handy.

And have you seen Google's new personalized homepages? Very nice.

Thank you Google!

Monday, June 06, 2005

What's the next big game?
So what's the next big one we'll all be playing? (If Wifey let's us?)

Rise & Fall: Civs at War?
Age of Empires III?
Heaven vs Hell?
Star Wars: Empire at War?
Company of Heroes?

or will it be Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends? OMFG!

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Anecdotes of J. Brooks Dann

So I finally got my copy of Anecdotal. I started in on the first chapter last night. I won't give a review yet, but it's clear why he went with Dog-Ear as his publisher. :-)

UPDATE: That sounds off. Here's what I meant.